Wednesday, March 2, 2011

A long needed post.

3-2-11 Wednesday - Well, as you are crying/screaming in the background wating for your father to make you a bottle and put you to bed, I will try to cover to the best of my abilities what has been happening in your life.
I suppose I will go from the present and work backwards.
Today you had a doctors appointment and we found out you have a double ear infection and most likely a sinus infection. So this will be the first time you are on antibiotics. I also noticed yesterday that you are finally cutting a tooth, and I don't know if it's because your sick or because of the tooth or both but you have been very cranky lately. We also started you on rice cereal finally, last night. You seem to be eating it pretty well. It only took so long because we were waiting to get a high chair and then you were sick and just always seemed to gag because you were so stuffed up. I think you are really going to like food. Even before you were four months you would look at us whenever we were eating with a longing look in your eyes of, "Give me some too!" And sometimes you even seemed to get upset that we weren't feeding you. Also about two weeks ago I took you to the doctors because we thought you had pink eye. It was only the first day so it was hard to tell I think but they gave me antibiotics anyway. But I am pretty sure that you did have pink eye; if it wasn't that though then it was a sinus infection.
About this time last week you started sitting on your own whenever we sat you down. Oh sure every now and then you wiggle your way to being unbalanced and you fall over, but for the most part you are pretty steady. You love to sit too. Which is going to make it hard to work on your tummy time so you can crawl and roll over because you do not like to lie on the floor anymore unless you are in your kick and play.
You usually go to bed around 8, wake up once in the night, and then are up for the day between 6:30 and 7:30. I love that you go to bed early, I just wish you would sleep in a little longer. But I suppose I'll just have to take what I can get.You also love the "jumperoo" that Erica is loaning us. You have even fallen alseep in it a few times.
Ellie, you just adore you sister Isabell. No matter what she does to you usually, you're always just smiling during it and after it. When she talks to you you just laugh and laugh. It's so precious and enjoyable to see you two interact together. I hope your relationship continues like this forever.
We are having a slight problem with you and scractching yourself so much that you bleed on your head. I now have to keep a very close eye on how long your nails get.
As for vocals, you are not lacking in that department. You make the sounds of, "dadadadadadadada" and you love to make your tounge spit. And you still squel/lightly scream when you're happy. I suppose usually it's more of a squwaking-terriadactle sound. Well, whichever it is, it is very cute.
I suppose that's all there is for now. I love you!

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